Scoring rules vary depending on things like which discipline you are shooting, what type of round and what target face is being used. The variations are summarized below, along with sample score sheet documents to download and print.
Scoring by discipline
In the U.K. most competitions follow either the FITA or GNAS/Archery GB rules. These rules are further subdivided by the different disciplines in archery, such as Target Archery (indoor and outdoor), field archery, clout archery and so on. As our club mainly concentrates on target archery, these are further described below. For information on scoring in other forms of archery, you are advised to search the web and other trusted resource materials on the subject.
The FITA rounds are metric and often shoot at different sized targets. The same number of arrows are shot at each distance. GNAS rounds are imperial and the same sized target is used at all distances. Often, more arrows are shot at the longer distance.
Use the links below for tables showing the indoor and outdoor rounds for each rules set:
FITA Rounds
GNAS / Archery GB Rounds
There are several forms of target faces used for indoor and outdoor target archery, but by the most popular is the 10-zone 5-colour paper target which looks like this:

In FITA rounds, all 10 zones score like this:
10 | 9 | 8 | 7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 |
When used for imperial GNAS rounds,each division is ignored, only the main colours are counted, like this:
9 | 7 | 5 | 3 | 1 |
The paper target face is attached to a boss which in turn is fastened to a stand which is secured to avoid it falling when touched, removing arrows or in he wind.
There are many other forms of targets and more information can be found in the Target section of this web site.
How to score a round
The archer
Typically, you shoot either 3 or 6 arrows per end, then at the command approach the target to score. You score your own arrows which are checked by the other archers on your face. There is usually a scorer who records the results. When it is your turn, indicate your scores like this. Work out the score for all your arrows, and put them in order of highest to lowest. Clearly tell the scorer your results. If shooting 3 arrows per end, simply give the three scores, whilst pointing at (but not touching) each arrow in turn. If shooting 6 arrows, give the highest three, then a short pause, then the other three. For example, you might say "ten - nine - seven - pause - seven - six - three". If an arrow does not make a scoring value, use the word "miss".
If an arrow brakes into the line between two scoring rings often referred to as a line-cutter), the higher score is given. If the arrow is so close to the line that it just touches it so that no colour is visible between the shaft and the line, again the higher score counts.
It is your responsibility to ensure the correct values of your own arrows are entered onto the score card(s). Also, don't be afraid to challenge the call of another archer if you genuinely feel an incorrect score has been called.
Do not touch any arrow or the target until scoring is complete for all archers on your face. This is to avoid possibly being called a cheat should you touch any arrow in such a way as to alter its actual score.
The Scorer
Before starting, put the name of the archer(s) onto each score sheet along with any other relevant information (date, venue, competition name, distance, target size, etc). In a competition, it is normal to have two people scoring. If there is a discrepancy in the results, the lower score of the two cards counts. As each archer tells you their score, mark it in the appropriate score sheet. If the archer indicates a "miss", enter the letter "M". At the end of the round, total up the score for the 6 arrows and record this in the "End" or "E/T" column, something like this:
Score | End | Score | End | Total | R/T | Hits | Gold X's |
10 9 7 7 6 M | 39 |
The layout and headings may differ on different score cards.
At the end of the next round, fill the next set of scores on the same line (completing a dozen arrows for this archer). Then add the two "Sum" values together and insert into the "Total" field. If there is a "R/T" (Running Total) column on the card, add this row's Total to the previous running total value. Put the number of scoring arrows into the "Hits" column and the number of maximum scoring arrows into the "Gold" column (sometimes headed with "X's" instead of "Gold"). A completed first row might look like this:
Score | End | Score | End | Total | R/T | Hits | Gold X's |
10 9 7 7 6 M | 39 | 9 9 6 3 3 1 | 31 | 70 | 70 | 11 | 1 |
Complete all rows as above, adding up the R/T column (if included) as you go. At the end of the shoot/competition, add up the final Total, Hits and Gold columns, putting their final values into the relevant fields on the score card. A sample completed 5 doz Portsmouth scorecard might look like this:
Score | End | Score | End | Total | R/T | Hits | Gold X's |
10 9 7 7 6 M | 39 | 9 9 6 3 3 1 | 31 | 70 | 70 | 11 | 1 |
10 7 7 6 6 4 | 40 | 10 10 8 3 1 1 | 33 | 73 | 143 | 12 | 3 |
9 9 9 8 5 3 | 43 | 9 9 8 5 4 1 | 36 | 79 | 222 | 12 | 0 |
9 7 7 7 6 M | 36 | 10 9 7 7 M M | 32 | 68 | 290 | 9 | 1 |
8 8 8 8 2 1 | 35 | 9 9 6 5 5 2 | 36 | 71 | 361 | 12 | 0 |
Totals: | 361 | 56 | 5 |
If required (for a competition), get the archer to check and sign the card, and sign it yourself. Inform each archer of their own results and pass the completed card to the event organisers.
If there is a dispute about the score of an arrow (usually: Is it a line-cutter?) call a judge to make the final decision.
In competition, never alter the scoring value of an arrow on the score card. Call a judge, as only judges can do that. However, if you realise you have incorrectly made an error in "totalling" somewhere, this can be corrected yourself.
Downloadable Score Cards
Some score cards for downloading and printing from the club:
- Practice Score Card - 6 doz Four to an A4 sheet
- Practice Score Card - 12 doz Four small to an A4 sheet
(More coming later...)
Above score cards are in PDF format, and you will need the free Adobe™ PDF Reader to open and print them.